
Advanced Placement

AP Exam Schedule

Click on the link above to view the schedule for AP Exams for the current school year.

IA (Intro to Advanced)/AP Program

The Pre-AP/AP Program is offered to further enhance students’ educational opportunities and to provide students with a variety of challenging course options that will prepare them for college and other post-secondary endeavors.

Founded by the College Board, (AP) is a collaborative effort of school districts, high schools, and colleges & universities. Courses are designed to include the curriculum and types of assignments that are expected in corresponding college courses. At the conclusion of each AP course, a standardized exam is administered to students. Many colleges and universities award college credit to students based on their exam performance.

Intro to Advanced Courses

Algebra II 



Oklahoma History


Spanish II, III, IV

English I, II


German II & III

Advanced Placement Courses


Calculus AB, BC

Music Theory


Physics I, C-Mechanics

Computer Science Principles


Computer Science A

Spanish Language

English Language


English Literature

Studio Art 2-D, 3-D, and Drawing

Environmental Science

Econ (Micro & Macro)

U.S. Government & Politics

 Comparative US Gov & Politics

European History

U.S. History

World History

Resources for AP Test Prep

Khan Academy is the Official Practice Partner for AP  – Khan Academy is now the official practice partner for AP to offer free instructional videos, articles, and practice exercises designed to build the knowledge and skills needed for AP-level courses.

Credit Policies for Oklahoma Institutions of Higher Learning