District of Champions
Did you know that Edmond teams have captured more than 110 OSSAA 6A State Championships? But it's not all about winning. We believe that participating in athletics helps individuals learn skills and character traits such as hard work, leadership, and sportsmanship that will serve them well into their adulthood.
Student-Athlete Forms
All students who participate in athletics are required to complete several forms. To make it easy for parents and athletes, we have gathered in one place all forms which you may fill out and submit electronically. A physical is required before participating in any sport.
A current OSSAA physical is required for any participation. If you have questions, contact your school or site athletic director for additional information.
Athletic Directors
District: Mike Nunley, Send Email to Mike Nunley
Memorial High School: Kyle Roberts, Send Email to Kyle Roberts
North High School: Baron Potter: Send Email to Baron Potter
Santa Fe High School: Andrew Rasmussen, Send Email to Andrew Rasmussen